Khamis, 14 Ogos 2008

How long should we adapt ourselves in current banking system?

Adaption. Not a nice word but Islamic Banking are forced to be adapted. Some would say there is no other way we could create alternative system to replace the current's one..they say it's better for us to adapt ourselves quickly in the system rather then keep thinking how to use dinar as a currency as well as a system in the bank. It's wasting. It's hard to implement and almost impossible. What public really need is the mechanism in facilitating their business which dinar can't provide it. They say that some scholars urged to implement gold dinar but they are not providing the system. How gold dinar could operate without the system? We should try to be more realistic by making adjustment to the current banking system. The more new Islamic product can be able to develop, the more funds will flow into the Islamic Bank. Thus, automatically enhancing the level of competency in the market.

Unfortunately, I would say I'm not agree with that. I do understand if the statement comes out from the public or non Islamic Bankers. They are not having much knowledge on that or if they have, they actually failed to understand the real purpose of Islamic economics. Why Islamic Economics not Islamic banking? Because Islamic banking is in the Islamic Economic, thus, any objectives of Islamic Banking should be in line first with Islamic Economics. But I'm not talking more on that in this article, i just would like to express my feelings of pity and disappointment when that kind of statement comes out from Islamic bankers or even scholars. They shouldn't be in that situation. They shouldn't just simply ignore gold dinar system in the first place. I know, there is no concrete alternative system that could replace the current banking system. Yes, correct, it's not yet to be established but it doesn't meant we can't easily ignore the implementation of gold dinar system.

My stand in this issue is that we must be together collecting ideas towards having the system (gold dinar). We must make efforts to pursue the way to implement it. If we are united to support, if the policy makers, the bank stakeholders, and most importantly the government in Muslim countries around the world realize of this, or even ask them to deeply think the advantages of the gold dinar, i think it is no longer to be impossible. We can't wait gold dinar system to be developed, but we must start to progress from now on. Do researches, journals, discussions, collaborations, seminars, conferences or whatsoever that could spread information as wider as possible. We should now target our due date of "Islamic"operation in current (old) system. In our mind, the only condition to make us still remain in the current banking system is the absence of gold dinar system. Once it can be founded, our journey in the old system should be ended. The key is our hands, if we can unlocked the mind set or even breach our paradigm, efforts to implement would rather be smoothly developed. Let us make it reality.

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