Isnin, 2 Mac 2009

Currency collapse is a reoccurring story

The day people realize that paper money is worthless is the day economic activity as we know it will come to a halt. What happens next has happened before. Barter begins the movement of goods and services until a trustworthy medium of exchange arises to take the place of the bankers’ debased paper.

Currency collapse is a reoccurring story. Because we denied its reality does not mean it would not happen. Denial is very powerful but, in the end, it changes nothing except the ability to effectively respond. Our wish that gold achieve its rightful price level in today’s accelerating crisis is tempered by our realization that when that day is reached, the human carnage and suffering will be without precedence. It is best, then, to buy gold and silver whenever possible and to wait patiently for things to unfold as they will. It is interesting to note what James West had said about it in a simple quote:
"The true reflection of the value of any currency, the only one that’s really left, is how much gold it can buy."

p/s: James West is a Midas Letter publisher
who prefers equities as investments to bullion and bars. James West expects his portfolio picks to shine to the tune of at least 15% appreciation on average.

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