Selasa, 30 Jun 2009

al-Fatihah buat ulama' tersohor, Allahuyarham Al-Sheikh Dr. Fathi Yakan (February 9, 1933 - June 13, 2009)

Pada tanggal 13 Jun lepas, masyarakat Islam kehilangan seorang lagi ulama besar iaitu Sheikh Dr. Fathi Yakan. Dalam keriuhan masyarakat dunia membicarakan autopsy kedua ke atas mayat Micheal Jackson, sekali lagi masyarakat Islam terlupa akan berita kematian Fathi Yakan. Kepada sesiapa yang tidak mengenali beliau, beliau adalah tokoh pergerakan Islam yang buku-bukunya banyak dibaca dan menjadi referensi para aktivis pergerakan Islam Indonesia dan Malaysia di awal-awal tahun 80-90an.

Syeikh Fathi Yakan seorang ulama Islam lahir pada tahun 1933 di Tripoli. Dia pernah menjawat jawatan sebagai anggota parlimen di Lebanon pada tahun 1992. Ia terlibat dalam kerja-kerja dakwah di Lebanon pada pertengahan tahun 1950-an dan merupakan pelopor pembentukan gerakan Islam di sana. Syeikh Fathi Yakan juga tidak terlepas dari gerakan Ikhwanul Muslimin Mesir. Beliau juga pengasas kepada sebuah universiti swasta di Lebanon iaitu Jinan University. Beliau juga telah mengarang sebanyak 35 buah buku yang kebanyakannya diterjemahka ke pelbagai bahasa.

Salah satu bukunya yang cukup fenomenal yang terbit pada tahun 90-an adalah Aids Haraky - sebuah buku yang banyak menyindir dan mengkritik gerakan-gerakan Islam yang terlalu banyak berbicara politik daripada Islam itu sendiri.

Sebaliknya, berita kematian Fathi Yakan ini mendapat tanggapan yang sepi dari dunia Islam. Banyak umat Islam yang tidak mengetahui kematian beliau. Bahkan ketika ditanya, banyak pula yang menjawab, “Fathi Yakan? Fathi Yakan siapa?”. Fathi Yakan, didoakan oleh seantero dunia Islam. Jacko, ditangisi oleh penggemarnya. Al-fatihah buat beliau moga Allah membalas beliau dengan balasan syurga. Ameen.

US citizen lose faith in dollar

Is yuan become a king now?

I excerpt this article from Investment Watch. It tells us people of US didn't trust the capability of dollar in the future. It's quite worrying among them why US government is unable to secure their currency compare to China.


Unlike the US, China is a protectionist global state and the US are suckers for greed and profit now. When Oil stops trading in US dollars then your going to see how cheap the US dollar will really become. One day the US may wake up and find a dollar is worth about half of what it was like stocks. Maybe thats why our embassies are urged to obtain as much foreign currencies as possible.

All this is a big game to them. You have the Chinese manipulating their currency. You have them still buying worthless US treasuries. And you have them bashing the US dollar.

Their strategy now is to bash the dollar, manipulate their currency to strengthen relative to the dollar and then buy up as much gold and land in the US as possible. Then we will officially become the USC (United States of China). We are already unofficially the US of C as most of the goods we purchase are manufactured there.

China is looking to convert $80BN directly into gold which has massive implications for the rest of their gold holdings which will more than offset losses in dollar value.

The Chinese are buying (with US Dollars) land, natural resources and safety nets so as not to spook the other dollar holders into a run for the exits dumping dollars. China is crafting carefully an unwind in dollar assets while pretending to still be on board with the US.

Khamis, 25 Jun 2009

Berapa banyak duit atas dunia?

Ada lebih 60 trilion duit di atas muka bumi, namun hanya tidak sampai 20 trilion yang berbentuk fizikal iaitu ianya dipegang oleh manusia. Dalam erti kata lain, selebihnya adalah accounting money yang tidakboleh dilihat. Memang ia memudahkan kerana tidak perlu dicetak tapi kesannya adalah besar dan ianya datang dari 60 triliion dan bukannya 20 trilion. Antara kesannya ialah inflasi dan kemelesetan. Ia tidak berpunca dari 20 trilion kerana 20 trilion adalah duit sebenar dalam masyarakat. 20 trilion adalah jumlah sebenar yang dikehendaki di dalam masyarakat dan bukannya 60 trilion. Lebihan 40 trilion ini akan yang dipegang oleh segelintir individu atau kumpulan kaya yang akhirnya akan berkuasa atas muka bumi. Ia juga memberi kesan langsung kepada kemiskinan akibat daripada ketidakserataan pembahagian kekayaan dunia. Kebuluran di sebahagian besar benua Afrika mungkin adalah disebabkan 40 trilion ini tidak diagihkan kepada mereka dalam bentuk pemilikan manfaat yang sebenar-benarnya.

Rabu, 24 Jun 2009

How Can Gold Make Your Small Business Rich?

Interesting article from Kirk Richardson

A small business faces the same hurdles as a large business and this is no more the case when it comes to investing. In order to keep your small business afloat you need an investment portfolio that is secure and trustworthy. Many people will look to the stock exchange for investment options, which, as weve all seen, is not always the only, or the smartest option. One of the best ways to secure your small business future is by adding gold to your investment portfolio. Trade, sell and buy gold alongside your other investments and you will soon discover why its such a smart investment move to buy gold.

So why is it so smart to buy, sell and trade gold as part of your overall small business investment portfolio? Here are four good reasons why:

Second of all, buying gold will diversify your portfolio. When you invest in gold, make sure you find investments that are not closely related to stocks and bonds that you have invested in. That way, if one falls, you still have the other one.

Furthermore, with the recent financial crisis, tax cuts and the increase in oil prices, history will most likely repeat itself in the near future. What this means is now is the time to buy gold bullion or invest in gold futures for your small business.

- Gold will also diversify your portfolio. Just be careful to buy, trade and sell gold that is not closely connected to your stock exchange companies. After all, if they are connected and one falls, then both will most likely fall.

Today an inflation storm is most certainly brewing, especially in recent times with the financial crisis, an increase in oil prices and the major tax cut. History will most likely repeat itself because it usually does. Simply check out the history books and see for yourself.

Its also important to remember that, at the end of the day, gold can be used for monetary value. If the business is going down, there is always the emergency option to sell gold for monetary gain. This cannot be said for commodities, especially when the company goes bankrupt or the market crashes.

When you buy gold, whether you are investing in gold bullion, investing in a gold mining company, investing in a mutual precious metal exchange or investing in gold futures, you are investing in the future of your small company. Buy gold now and prepare for profit and growth in the future. You wont regret making this smart move.

Isnin, 22 Jun 2009

Academic Conference for Islamic Education UiTM 2009

Last week, the Academic Conference for Islamic Education UiTM 2009 was held in Selesa Hotel and Resort, Pasir Gudang. The conference organized by the Center for Islamic Thought and Understanding (CITU) had invited the Minister of Higher Education to officiate the closing ceremony together with a big hope of CITU staff to see a new Islamic campus of UiTM to become reality. And what Tan Sri VC had said that the campus will be built in Jalan Othman, Petaling Jaya, Selangor seems like bringing another new step in acknowledging Islamic knowledge and and agreeing the importance of Islam in playing its crucial role in society and also contributing towards the excellence of UiTM. According to VC, the plan of the establishment has been kept for quite long time (for certain reasons) and he said this is the right time to revive the plan back on its track.

The three days conference was successfully achieved its target which is to hold together in bringing back the victory of Islam in UiTM and also to put back the place of Islamic Education in the position that its desires to be. It also the place where 260 religious scholars of UiTM around Malaysia to meet among themselves to exchange opinions about the future of Islamic education in UiTM.

more pictures at conference